Sunday, November 18, 2012

Exploring Fractals

Fractal geometry and chaos theory are providing us with a new perspective to view the world. For centuries we've used the line as a basic building block to understand the objects around us. Chaos science uses a different geometry called fractal geometry. Fractal geometry is a new language used to describe, model and analyze complex forms found in nature.
A few things that fractals can model are:

plants, weather, fluid flow, geologic activity, planetary orbits, human body rhythms, animal group behavior, socioeconomic patterns, music, etc.

This is how nature creates a magnificent tree from a very small seed the size of a pea.

Fractal dimension can measure the texture and complexity of everything from coastlines to mountains to storm clouds. We can now use fractals to store photographic quality images in a tiny fraction of the space ordinarily needed.
Fractals win prizes at graphics shows and appear on Tshirts and calendars  Their chaotic patterns appear in many branches of science. Physicists find them on their plotters. Strange attractors with Fractal turbulence appear in celestial mechanics. Biologists diagnose dynamical diseases. Even pure mathematicians such as Bob Devaney, Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Richard Voss go on tour with slide shows and videos of their research.
Fractals provide a different way of observing and modeling complex phenomena than Euclidean Geometry or the Calculus developed by Leibnitz and Newton. An arising cross disciplinary science of complexity coupled with the power of desktop computers brings new tools and techniques for studying real world systems.

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